Thursday, May 27, 2010

TV Show Geek

Welcome to TV Show Geek, a blog which I'll ostensibly use to review TV shows, movies, books, and video games, though many times said reviews will undoubtedly wax ineloquent (wane eloquent?) into angry diatribes. Anyhoo, there's a comment section under each post, so feel free to have at it. One rule: be respectful of other posters. You can disagree as much as you want, but don't make it personal.

So, without further ado, enjoy TV Show Geek!


  1. I have said for years that you look like the TV Geek from the show "Beat the Geeks" and now you start a blog called TV Show Geek. This is such sweet, sweet redemption. I think I will die a happy man because of this.

  2. First off, that's the best URL ever. Second, I never said you were wrong. Well, I did, but still.

  3. Sorry I can't relate, I don't watch American Idol (well only the first couple weeks to watch people make complete asses out of themselves)
